Composting Leaves – Leaf Mold and Composting In The Fall

Composting Leaves – Leaf Mold and Composting In The Fall

Autumn marks the transition from summer to winter. As temperatures cool, deciduous trees shed their leaves in preparation for the dormant season. This annual leaf drop produces mountains of foliage that many homeowners rake up and bag for municipal collection. However, these leaves are valuable resources that can improve your soil instead of taking up…

Can Pistachio Shells Be Composted? Can they be composted?

Can Pistachio Shells Be Composted? Can they be composted?

Yes, pistachio shells can be composted. Pistachio shells are made of organic material and will break down in a compost pile. They add beneficial carbon and nutrients to compost. You have found the simplest, most concise, and complete answer. However, there are many problems associated with it that you need to be aware of. If…

Is Greenware Compostable? (And Is It Sustainable?)

Is Greenware Compostable? (And Is It Sustainable?)

Typical greenware discards like plates, cups, utensils, and more are compostable. Greenware refers to disposable tableware and cutlery made from eco-friendly materials. The most common greenware items are manufactured from PLA (polylactic acid) or bagasse. PLA is a plant-based bioplastic, while bagasse is the fiber left after extracting juice from sugarcane. Both PLA and bagasse…

Can You Compost Pizza Boxes? The Truth You Need

Can You Compost Pizza Boxes? The Truth You Need

Not all materials can go straight into your compost bin. Items like pizza boxes seem compostable, but can actually hinder the composting process if not handled properly. Keep reading to learn if and how you can compost pizza boxes, the do’s and don’ts of composting them, and tips for improving your compost pile. The Problem…

Compost Sawdust: A Complete Guide For Beginners

Compost Sawdust: A Complete Guide For Beginners

Sawdust is a valuable byproduct of milling timber into lumber that often goes unused and wasted. However, sawdust has many applications as a soil amendment for gardens and yards. Compost sawdust can produce high-quality compost that improves soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient availability. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about composting…

Can You Compost Orange Peels? The Truth You Need

Can You Compost Orange Peels? The Truth You Need

Orange peels, like other fruit and vegetable scraps, are an excellent addition to any compost pile. Composting orange peels is an easy and environmentally friendly way to reduce food waste while also improving your garden soil. The peels break down relatively quickly compared to other compost ingredients. They provide key nutrients, beneficial compounds, organic matter,…